Refund & Exchange


At JustFloow, your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not completely content with your purchase, we're here to assist you. Here are the details of our returns policy:

You're eligible to return your order within 90 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase. If 90 days have passed since your purchase, we're unable to offer you a refund or an exchange. 

To initiate your return please email us at, quoting your order number and your reason for the return. Once accepted you will be allocated a returns number that will need to be included within the returned package. Please note returns sent without following this procedure will not be processed. 

Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and notify you. If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to your original payment method within 14 days.

Please be aware that it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund.

You will be responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

For valuable items, we recommend using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance, as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

If you have any questions about returns or want to request a return, please contact us at or All returns should be sent to our specified returns address, not to the manufacturer.

Remember, our policy lasts 90 days. If 90 days have passed since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
JustFloow LTD

124 City Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

Incorrect goods/faulty products received

We inspect all products sent before shipping to ensure the highest possible standards, but if for some reason the product you have received is not what your ordered or in some way faulty, please contact immediately quoting your order number and details of the product you wished to purchase and/or stating the problem with the item received and specifying whether you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return.

Partial Returns of a bundle

If you are partially returning a bundle, you will be refunded an amount that equates to you having paid full price on the items you have kept. For example, if you buy a bundle of 2 supplements, and return 1 supplement, then your refund amount will result in you having paid the full non-bundle price of 1 supplement plus shipping.

Order Cancellation

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations, you have the right to cancel your order or any item purchased online from JustFloow, for a full refund. If you have not yet received your order, please contact as soon as possible to arrange a cancellation before the order is dispatched. All order cancellations must be made in writing, quoting your order reference number, within 60 days starting the day after you receive your order. If your order has been already been processed and dispatched to you, it will be necessary for you to return the goods following our standard return procedures detailed above.


1. Email to receive a returns form

2. Package your items carefully - include your completed returns form within the package and fix your return label securely to your package

3. Post your returns at your nearest post office. Please remember to ask your Post Office for a posting certificate and keep this for reference. Without this, we cannot refund any money if we do not receive your parcel.

Please allow up to 30 days from the day the parcel is posted for your refund to be processed. We will email you with confirmation once we have received your parcel and your refund has been completed.