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If You Lack Focus, Get Easily Irritated, or Feel Tired All the Time, Then This Nootropic Supplement Is a Must. Here's Why.

05/05/2023, By S Beekarry, JustFloow Founder

With 1,000+ 5 star reviews, what is it about our supplement that got people raving about it?

If you find yourself struggling with focus, feel mentally fatigue, and unable to stay on simple task, there might be an underlying issue that we need to talk about.

The question you may be asking yourself is, "Why is this happening to me?" Surprisingly, the answer lies in the intricate workings of your brain. Neurotransmitters and blood flow carry oxygen to the brain are two main factors influencing your ability to focus and concentrate.

When they are not fully functioning, it can lead to difficulty maintaining focus and attention. This is where nootropics could be a potential solution. Nootropics, also known as cognitive enhancers, are supplements that aim to improve cognitive functions, including focus, memory, and mental clarity.

Taking nootropics can enhance your brain's performance, allowing you to stay focused for extended periods, retain information more effectively, and improve your overall cognitive abilities. These supplements often contain ingredients that support neurotransmitter production, promote blood flow to the brain, and provide essential nutrients for optimal brain function.

Genius Mind is our pre-made nootropic stack combining 17 of today's most powerful cognitive-enhancing nutrients. All the ingredients work together into a single solution that unlocks greater cognitive benefits than if you took them separately.

Discover why over 100,000 people have turned to Genius Mind to help them maximise their full potential each day.

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"This is great for focus and mental clarity, highly recommended to anyone who is looking to improve their brain health."

1. They Support With Focus, Memory, Energy and Overall Brain Health

Being constantly exposed to a high-pressure environment and working hard can result in mental fatigue, adversely affecting your brain function.

In such a state, the brain doesn't receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients due to reduced cerebral blood flow, leading to a situation where you're trying to work with an empty tank.

This lack of essential fuel directly impacts your ability to think clearly, maintain focus, and efficiently accomplish tasks.

Genius Mind contains a clinical dose of Ginkgo Biloba, a natural adaptogenic herb that aids in improving blood flow to the brain. Increasing nitric oxide levels by up to 12% widens the blood vessels, ensuring optimal delivery of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells.

In addition to enhancing focus and mental clarity by boosting blood flow to the brain, Genius Mind protects and stimulate neurotransmitters, thereby improving concentration, memory, mood, and overall mental energy.

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Loved by thousands of people

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2. They Are Packed with 17 Natural Brain Boosting Nutrients such as Lion’s Mane, Choline, Gingko .. +15 more

Ever heard of Lion's Mane Mushroom?

A shaggy white mop head on a black base.
A shaggy white mop head on a black base.

Ever heard of Lion's Mane Mushroom?

In case you don’t know, Lion’s Mane is an ancient “brain boosting” mushroom that has been around for THOUSANDS of years to enhance memory, focus, and clarity.

According to the National Institute of Health, Lion’s Mane has been shown to significantly improve cognitive functions ... and is even called a “potential alternative medicine for the treatment of depression."

But Lion’s Mane is only the tip of the iceberg…

Inside this one small vegan friendly capsule, you’ll also find 16 other natural & powerful ingredients including:

Vitamin B12, B9 & B6. Vitamin B complexes are regarded as nootropics that help stimulate neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine helping with concentration, memory, mood and overall mental energy. Improved cognition under stress

Bacopa Monnieri. Studies have shown that Bacopa Monnieri enhances higher-order cognitive processes, which involve turning new information into stored learning and memories.

Phosphatidylserine. This has been linked to improving memory function, with lots of human research showing it is safe and well-tolerated.

Phosphatidylcholine. This is crucial for brain regeneration and repair that underlies overall brain health and increases the level acetylcholine in the brain which is key for learning, memory and motivation

📊 In fact…

When we surveyed 192 customers

who took Genius Mind for the first time

Energy & Motivation*


Reported experiencing an uplift in their overall mood and energy levels.

Improved Focus*


Said they saw a dramatic improvement in their focus.

Mental Clarity*


Felt they were able to think clearer and improve their creative flow.

*We ran an internal survey of 192 customers that’s taken genius mind for the first time. The results may vary across individuals; we recommend giving it at least 3 months to experience the full benefits.

3. Science-Backed and Developed By One Of The UK’s Top Nutritionist

Shona Wilkinson, one of the UK's Top nutritionists with 15 years of experience in the health sector.

Shona worked with the team at JustFloow to combine the best-in-class ingredients backed by the latest scientific research with improving focus, mental clarity, memory and overall energy levels.

Genius Mind is a product built "for us, by us". We created it for ourselves first - knowing that people like us (high-performers, entrepreneurs, etc) will see the value in using Genius Mind too!

Clinically Reviewed

Featured by top websites

Try Genius Mind today

4. They Improve Memory Function….

They support your memory function with a proprietary blend of Phosphatidylserine, one of the best nutrients for memory, with lots of human research showing it is safe and well-tolerated.

They also contain Choline which works together with Phosphatidylserine for brain regeneration and repair that underlies overall brain health.

5. Removes You From The “Unproductivity Rut”

As we live in a fast-paced world, it can be overwhelming and challenging to effectively focus on one task – many things try to pull your attention in one way or another.

A daily dose of Genius Mind helps you clear your mind and dial in your focus, improving overall productivity levels.

Your future self (and even the people around you) will thank you for taking it.

By taking two capsules of Genius Mind per day, you’re saying:

✅ YES to feeling more motivated and energised

✅ YES to laser-like focus

✅ YES to improving your creativity

✅ YES in levelling up your productivity

✅ YES in elevating yourself

Can’t wait to hear your transformation stories.

They also contain Choline which works together with Phosphatidylserine for brain regeneration and repair that underlies overall brain health.

Try Genius Mind today

Genius Mind Is Loved By Over 100,000 Customers!

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4.8 / 5.0 based on 1000+ Reviews

The community behind Genius Mind

Smiling woman holding a supplement bottle inside a room.
Smiling woman holding a supplement bottle inside a room.

I really felt the difference

I've tried it for a month to see if I would see any difference. It does help me to work more efficiently as I stay focused for longer, and by the end of the day my brain doesn't seem as tired as it used to be. So yeah, it does work for me

Man holding a supplement bottle with city skyline in the background.
Smiling woman holding a supplement bottle inside a room.

Super-charged Nootropic

I have been into Nootropics for a while now. A while ago my mentor told me to try some molecules to support my brain, especially knowing the stress of building a business would take a toll on my brain. I tried Genius Mind because it contains all the molecules I was taking separately, so I end up saving a lot and keep my brain healthy

Man holding a supplement bottle with a cityscape in the background.
Smiling woman holding a supplement bottle inside a room.

Better than I thought it would be!

I love Genius Mind. I have been feeling slow and sluggish lately. After about 2 weeks of Genius Mind I felt more in the zone, focused and overall I had more drive to focus towards my tasks and get them done.

A woman holding a bottle of dietary supplements smiling at the camera.
Smiling woman holding a supplement bottle inside a room.

Works Well!

I'm now on my third jar as I'm writing this is that when I take these I don't have that 1-2 hours of morning "brain fog". That effect alone is worth it.

Scientifically formulated to upgrade your cognitive performance

Genius Mind contains 17 of the most studied ingredients that improve focus, memory function, mental clarity & energy levels



Optimise your well-being, experience bliss & fulfilment.


Gain an unfair advantage by making better decisions quicker.

Bottle of JustFlow Genius Mind supplements with discount offer.


No crash fuelling you to create the life you want.


Solve problems effectively & efficiently by staying laser focused and motivated.



Optimise your well-being, experience bliss & fulfilment.


Gain an unfair advantage by making better decisions quicker.


No crash fuelling you to create the life you want.


Solve problems effectively & efficiently by staying laser focused and motivated.